This clock is about ten years old and I have always loved its cute shape. I remember getting it on clearance at Wal-Mart for $10.

It was getting a little dingy and scuffed up so naturally I wanted to give it a nice fresh coat.
So I lightly sanded first.

And then I decided to paint it a nice clean matt black.
And here’s how that turned out.

And this was only after a measly one coat, but I could tell that a couple more coats of paint wasn’t going to help this mess.
I mean, it doesn’t look terrible, it just looks so serious. And the point of a makeover is to make something look fresh and nearly new, a sort of upgrade, if you will.
The only thing this black paint did was take it from ok to “ehhh...”
Where’s the wow factor? There wasn’t one.
So.... Makeover #2.
Since I decided to give it a much uplifting color, I had to give it a bright undercoat first.

After its white undercoat, I painted the clock a regular matt red which I regret not getting a picture for the before.
I knew that it needed a nice glossy finish but I didn't want to use a spray gloss because that would mean I'd have to mess with taping up the glass face.
I know, pretty lazy, huh?
So, what I ended up using was a wood stain/polyurethane. Using a sponge brush I brushed the wood stain on. Other than the few drips, I must say I am pleased with the results. I like how the stain gathers in the creases, it really adds to the whole dimension and texture thing going on.
This paint process was similar to the recent lamp project I did, here. The varnish will be tacky for a few days but will then be dry and remain glossy.
And now for the wow…

Much better!
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