
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ice Cream Cone Balloons

These cute balloons are simple and very easy to create. I can just picture these darling balloons at a child's summer time birthday party.

I didn't use helium here, but I'm sure that would make them even cuter if they were tied to a string and floating.

Materials: Balloons, Scrapbook paper, Tape, Ribbon

First blow up your balloon.

Then roll up the scrapbook paper into a cone shape.

Then cut off the excess paper until you have an even rim.

Next place the balloon inside the cone.

As the balloon sits nice and snug inside the cone, tape a few strips down to secure the balloon in place.

Next tape the ribbon around the balloon and cone.

You can also use double sided tape if you don't want any tape showing.

For the sprinkles on this balloon, I cut small strips of fun foam and glued sporadically on top.

This craft featured at:

Linking this project to:

The DIY Show Off

Check out the party!

Keeping It Simple



  1. What a sweet idea! They look like so much fun!

    Have a beautiful Monday,

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. Very clever - my kids would love this and you are so right that it would be a great party decoration!

  3. What a fun idea!!! I love that you put ribbon them too, so cute. My boys would love to make these, thanks for the idea!

  4. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you so much. I am planning a shower and just may do this!!!! SOOOO adorable!

  6. great idea! i will definitely use this, thanks!

  7. WOW! Those are the cutest things ever! And so creative! Thanks for linking up to Ta-dah Tuesday!

  8. That is adorable! I think I might have to do something like that for my baby's birthday next month. I would love for you to come over and link up to check me out saturday

  9. Jalinda...just wanted to let you know I featured these today on my blog...stop on over and grab a featured button! Happy Friday!

  10. There are so cute! I love them! Thanks so much for sharing in the DIY Project Parade! ;)


  11. We have ice cream socials at church every now and then, and these would be SO-ooo CUTE to hand out to the kids!! Thanks for sharing! ~tina

  12. Totally love them!!! I have to do that!


  13. Very gooooooooooooood!!! Thanks!!!

  14. Wonderful Idea, thanks for sharing it with us. Take care and keep the good job :)


Thank you so much for your comments! :)